1. First loving yourself
2. Tell her you love her
3. Just love her for herself
4. Live in your power
5. Don’t live in the past
6. Get to know her
7. Count your blessings
8. Give love, always
9. Pay attention to her
10. Start fresh each day

Be comfortable alone. You have to dress well and not act cool or be a try hard just be loose. Don’t set out looking for a girlfriend, or you’ll just end up looking desperate. Self confidence and self sufficiency are extremely sexy qualities in a man, and you will not seem like you have either of these if you’re begging every girl you meet to go out with you.
Look to make good friends rather than a girlfriend. This means you should talk to as many women as possible, not just girls you’re immediately attracted to. Making good friends with women will help you practice holding conversations with them, as well as learning how women feel and think in general. More importantly, you’ll be helping yourself feel less lonely without desperately seeking a girlfriend.
Help someone. It could be her, or it could be someone else in the room. Is she carrying something heavy? Say “let me help you with that” and carry it for her. Is someone short on cash? Lend them a few dollars so they can eat lunch. Hold the door open for the next person coming through, even if they haven’t reached it yet. In other words, be a kind and generous person. Not only will it get her attention, but it will also make you feel good about yourself. Don’t be fake and do nice things only when she’s around, though. Help people all the time, in a wide variety of ways. She’ll notice, and so will the people she knows, and on the occasion that you come up in a conversation, people will say “He’s such a great person!” and this girl will start thinking “Yeah…he is, isn’t he?”
Approach tons of girls on a consistent basis. If you see a girl you find attractive you go and talk to her (doesn’t matter what time it is). And you do that on a regular basis. If you go out one day and sit it out for next few days, it won’t work well. Go out regularly and talk to bunch of women. Supermarkets, library, malls, streets, social gatherings any place where you think you might find girls.
Avoid being afraid to fail. Remember, fear of rejection is extremely irrational. If you see a hot girl, you go and talk to her. Convey her your intentions right away. Don’t digress, no matter what, like “Hi, you are cute and I came here to know who you really are.” You are looking for a girlfriend, not a friend who is a ‘girl’.
Avoid giving yourself time to make excuses. When you see a hot girl, don’t make excuses like ‘she probably has a boyfriend’, ‘she is on her phone’ or ‘she is jogging’, ‘Man I look so bad’. Believe it that there is no valid excuse to not talk to her. At worst she would say ‘no’ and walk away. You have to try again and again to get good at this.
Keep having fun. This is really important. If you are not having fun while talking to a girl or while looking for her, you are probably taking it too seriously. But if you are having fun, you won’t care about the potential rejection and would come out as cool and fun guy.
Be yourself to the extreme. If you don’t find something she says funny, don’t laugh just because she is laughing. Don’t try to be something you are not.
Network. The more people you meet, the bigger pool of people you’ll have to choose from. Don’t be picky about who you meet or how you meet him—the nice old man down the street may have a gorgeous granddaughter your age and the somewhat annoying girl from last night’s party might have a friend who’s perfect for you.
Go out and pursue hobbies you love. If you’re not sure how to start meeting people, sign up for activities that sound fun to you! Check forums, listings, classifieds, and listservs for local events or meetings that are likely to attract people with similar interests or passions. You can also explore new interests or activities. You might find a new hobby and a girlfriend all in one go! Don’t depend completely on the internet.
Take care of your physical appearance. No matter how much women would like to admit otherwise, looks are an important part of the dating game. Bad body odor, smelly breath, and greasy, unkempt hair are simply not attractive to most women.Shower regularly, brush your teeth twice a day, and stay in shape. While you don’t need to be the best looking guy out there, you do need to make a good first impression.
Take pride in your clothing. Again, you don’t need to be stylish, but clean, unwrinkled clothes are always better than the opposite. Avoid wearing the same thing every day, especially if it’s just sweatpants.
In addition to making you more attractive, taking good care of your physical appearance will boost your self confidence, which in turn, will make you more attractive, boosting your self confidence, and so forth. While cockiness is never a good thing, knowing that you’ve got good qualities will make you much better at marketing yourself.
Practice genuinely complimenting girls. Challenge yourself to find something beautiful in any girl. It doesn’t have to be something physical; it can be a cute gesture, an admirable trait, a talent or skill. Recognizing and expressing true appreciation for any and every girl will make you more attracted to girls and girls more attracted to you.
What is Static Stability?
When an aircraft undergoes some turbulence (or some form of static imbalance) when in equilibrium flight, the nose tilts slightly up or down (an increase or decrease in the angle of attack), or there will be a slight change in flight attitude. There are additional forces acting on the aircraft, and it is no longer in the equilibrium condition.
In aircrafts, three types of dimensional stabilities are considered. Those are the longitudinal stability that concerns the pitching motion, the directional stability that concerns the yawing motion, and the lateral stability that concerns the rolling motion. Often the longitudinal stability and directional stability are closely interrelated.
What is Dynamic Stability?
If an aircraft is statically stable, it may undergo three types of oscillatory motion during flight. When imbalance occurs the airplane attempts to retain its position, and it reaches the equilibrium position through a series of decaying oscillations, and the aircraft is said to be dynamically stable. If the aircraft continues the oscillatory motion without decay in the magnitude, then the aircraft is said to be on dynamically neutral. If the magnitude oscillatory motion increases and the aircraft orientation start to change rapidly, then the aircraft is said to be dynamically unstable .
An aircraft that is both statically and dynamically stable can be flown hands off, unless the pilot desires to change the equilibrium condition of the aircraft.
What is the difference between Dynamic and Static Stability (of Aircrafts)?
• Static stability of an aircraft describes the tendency of and aircraft to retain its original position when subjected to unbalanced forces or moments acting on the aircraft.
• Dynamic stability describes the form of motion an aircraft in static stability undergoes when it tries to return to its original position.
Today I am going to talk about a very useful project that I had taken up. It is called the Water Level Indicator. Nowadays everybody has overhead tank at their homes. But everyone who has a water tank above knows the kind of problems that they face. Firstly there is no system to track the water in the tank. Then there come a secondary problem that is when their water pump is started they have no idea when it gets filled up and sometimes there are situation where the pump keeps on pumping water to the tank and the water starts spilling out from the tank. There is wastage of energy as well as wastage of water.
There are Four parts in this project:-
(i) The Sensor Part
It is generally a fixed support inside the tank having some nuts and bolt with wires coming out.
(ii) The Circuit Part
It comprises the brain of the module, where in all the various inputs from the sensors are fed. It is the unit from where you will get all the information of how much of water is in the tank.
(iii) The Power Supply
It is the part where in you will be converting the A/C voltage to a regulated voltage of 5V to the Circuit.
(IV) The Buzzer Part
It is responsible for bringing up the sound when the water level fills up in the tank. It will also be having a speaker or a buzzer to alert.
The heart of the circuit is the transistors BC 547. There are total7 transistors in the circuit and each one will be sensing the level of water present in the overhead water tank. There is one extra power LED without a transistor and that is because this Red LED will be telling us two things. Firstly when you power the unit it will be monitoring the power present in the unit and secondly it is also the indicator telling you that there is no water at all present in the tank. As because the water level is below the No. 1 (as shown in the circuit) sensor, no LED's will be lighting up, but only for the one Red LED. Therefore when you switch on your unit if you see only one Red LED lighting up then you know that the is no water present in the tank and therefore you should make you water pump on.
Then as shown in the figure i have given all the LED's in various color. Starting from the beginning is
The Buzzer Part
Here you can add any of the normal buzzers that are readily available in the market and if it is not then you can make yourself with a simple 555 IC. I am giving a small circuit diagram, it is really simple to make and there are minimum parts. It is a simple audio oscillator. I have also provide a circuit diagram here but if you are able to manage a buzzer then no need to assemble this circuit.
The Power Supply
This section contains a transformer converting the mains voltage 220V bring down to 9V. There is a bridge rectifier containing 4 diodes and making the Alternating current to Direct Current. After the filtering the voltage is then directly fed to the voltage regulator (7805) with a filtering capacitor. From the regulator IC the output voltage is then again filtered with a capacitor and is fed to the circuit. This comprises the power supply of the device.
This completes the electronic part of the project and now i will be going to the sensor part, which is also made easily.
Now the tricky part is making holes in the plastic junction box so that LED can easily slip through the holes, also the spacing between the LED's should be proportionate. First take the box and draw the outline in the face of the box. First for the switch you should make a marking at the bottom right hand side. Then mark the points for the LED's. As told earlier it should be proportionate. Now unbend a paper clip and heat it with a soldering iron and make holes to the marked points as shown in the figure.
Then cut the plastic board for the power switch. After the cut is made file at the edges so that the cut is smooth and the switch can easily fit to into the cut. Fit in the Power Switch.
Time for adding the LED's to the panel. Let's start by adding the Red LED from the bottom end. Then to the Yellow and Green and finally Blue. This LED's should be then be soldered to the PCB as shown in the circuit diagram. For me what i did was soldered directly to the PCB below the front panel, as it gave a solid base for the LED's.
Now fix the buzzer just beside the PCB and give the connection from the circuit board. Then also fix the Power supply at the box with the help of nuts holding the transformer firmly to the box.
For making a junction of the sensors you can use a cable connector, i used from a used TV circuit board as shown. This connector was actually connecting some wires with the television PCB to the CRT(Cathod Ray Tube of the TV), therefore i decided to use this as it had many pins. I then cut it from the PCB and numbered it from 1 going up till 8. You will notice that there were two pins extra, so i made this two pins connect together and made a common point for the sensor going to the tank. The rest of the pins starting from Pin 1 going up till 7 will be for the sensing part which will also be connected to the sensors of the water tank.
The Nos. that i have assigned for the sensors are as follows:-
1: (Level 1) water is considerably low and pump needs to be started
2: (Level 2) water is low
3: (Level 3)Water level is 1/4
4: (Level 4) Water level is Half
5: Level 5)Water level is more than half
6: (Level 6) Water level is about to fill up
7: (Level 7)Water level has filled up and alarm starts to sound
8: Common Positive Pin
Therefore there are in total 8 supply line that has to be taken out from the main circuit board to the sensor. After trial and error, and a few failed experiments i found out that the best wire to be used in the project would be a Cat5 cable as it has also in total 4 pairs of wires and this can be blended in this project nicely. As it would be virtually impossible to buy lots of wire and then take it to the tank. It would be messy and there would be all short of wiring problem.
And one advantage in adding a junction, while installation is that there won't be any problem for soldering the wires to the circuit while installation. It would be just plug and play. Therefore after the wire is connected to the connector. I hot glued it as it would keep the wires firmly fixed to the female connector,and there won't be any dis-connection.
My rented house that i live is about 3 stories high and i needed approximately 15 meters of CAT5 Cable.
That end's this part of connecting the cable with the circuit and the next part will be learning to make the sensors for the water tank.
Lets start with finding a plastic PVC pipe or you may use any short of plastic wire casing. In my part what i did was make it with wire casing, that are utilized while wiring at houses, but if in case you don't have you can make it with a PVC pipe.
Then your next step is to measure the height of the tank that is from bottom till the neck and accordingly cut the PVC wire casing. Then mark points 1 to 7 leaving some spaces as desired. For example you can measure the whole length and divide it by seven, as because you have to mark seven different points for sensing seven different water level.
Your tank height from bottom to top is 6 Foot (182.88 centimeter),
You divide 182.88 centimeter by seven 7 then you get
182.88 / 7 = 26.12 cm
Therefore you have to mark points at intervals of 26.12 cm.
After marking the different water level in the PVC wire casing, find some 3 inch nut bolts as shown in figure. Drill the holes to the points marked keeping the size of the diameter of the nuts, It should snugly fit to the wire casing. Then as when the nut is fitted to the casing, don't bolt the nut as such. Make a wire loop as shown and then solder it's outside part so that it can slip to the nut easily.
The length of the wire should be kept long (i.e more than 6 foot for the first sensor) and the length of the second sensor would be short then the first sensor, so this should be continued till you have 7 wires with 7 loops with varying lengths.
Now put the loops of wire to the nuts that you have snuggled to the plastic wire biting and make the wires come out from every nut that you have built. After all the wires are fixed to the nut, you should now add a common line to the wire casing. For the common line you can use a naked wire running through the nut bolts bare touching each other. The gap of the naked wire and the bolt should be kept minimum and if you want you can solder a small piece of wire to the common line just beside the nut and bolt as the sensing would be more. when the water comes in contact with the common wire and the bolt, there will be transfer of current from the naked wire to the bolt and the sensing is done.
After connecting all the wires to the bolt there will be a mess of wire hanging from the wire casing, what i did was hot glued all the wires in a line wise fashion so that the wires don't fall out of place. All the wires were then junctioned to a PCB board from which the sensing part would be taken out. This is shown in the figure. Therefore this completes our sensor also.
Now for the final part where i will be talking about the Installation.
First start with installing the water sensor in the overhead tank. As in figure this is the tank that we are going to install the sensor. Just survey the tank from every side to see that you can fit the sensing part. Now take the sensor rod that you have prepared and dip into the tank so that it just touches the bottom. Now fix the sensor into the water tank by screwing a screw directly to the water tank so that the water sensor rod doesn't move. The sensor rod should not move. That finishes the part of installing the sensor rod to the water tank. Now to the device that we are going to install.
Now for installation of the device you should find a suitable place for easy view of the LED lights. It should also be installed in such a way that it should be out of reach of the children. The best place for installing the device would be in the kitchen of a house. This is because while working in a kitchen you may want to turn on the water pump and just cooking you would be able to get the updates from the tank on how much the water has filled. Just drill two holes in the walls and install it using a L hook. Screw the two L hooks to the device and fix it to the wall. It should be firmly fixed. Then take the A/C 220V feed from any socket and give the power to the board.
Thus finishes the installation of the device and test it by turning the device on and checking the water level in the tank. For testing just put the power on and you will see some of the LED's glowing, indicating the level of the tank, if you see only one of the RED glowing then your tank is fully empty and it is time you should turn on your water pump. After the pump is on you will then see after some period of time that the LED's will start to glow from bottom up till the final Blue LED will light up and sound up the alarm.
And now we have successfully installed WATER LEVEL INDICATOR.
Why knowledge is important
Types of Knowledge
Explicit knowledge
Tacit knowledge
Technical Dimension
Cognitive Dimension
To tacit knowledge
To explicit knowledge
From tacit knowledge
From explicit knowledge
The Meaning of
"Knowledge is Power"
Meaning #1: If you have knowledge, then you will have power. The idea here is that the acquisition of knowledge results in social power. The one "in the know" holds a certain power over those who do not. The knower is a go-to-guy. This is the usual meaning at commencement addresses: "hey, don't worry that you have all this debt and will never make as much as your friends, because you have power on account of your knowledge."
Meaning #2: If you have power, then you will have knowledge. This is the opposite of the above meaning. Although the former is more traditional and therefore quite common, this meaning is gaining significance in our contemporary world. The basic idea here is that knowledge is really just power in disguise. Another phrase illustrates this: "the winners write the history." In other words, those who exert power have the influence to promulgate their view of what has happened and therefore generate knowledge. The social critic is the one who is able to unmask the power dynamics behind so-called knowledge. This need not be a cynical view: if you want to be apart of the spread of knowledge, put yourself in a center of great influence.
Importance of knowledge in
Saraswati: Goddess of Knowledge & Arts
who is fair like the jasmine-colored moon,
and whose pure white garland is like frosty dew drops;
who is adorned in radiant white attire,
on whose beautiful arm rests the veena,
and whose throne is a white lotus;
who is surrounded and respected by the Gods, protect me.
May you fully remove my lethargy, sluggishness, and ignorance."
The Importance of Philosophy in Hinduism
Vidya bookish knowledge
Importance of knowledge in islam
- Firstly: Asking questions in a good manner.
- Secondly: Remaining quiet and listening
- Thirdly: Understanding well.
- Fourthly: Memorising.
- Fifthly: Teaching.
- Sixthly- and it is its fruit: Acting upon the
knowledge and keeping to its limits."
Shaytaan will tell you that the situation of the Ummah is lost and that you studying will not help anything, so don't waste your time. Combat this with what you've seen from the Jihad of knowledge and teaching that Rasul Allah and those that came before us did. Shaytaan will tell you that there are enough scholars, they don't need you. Combat this with the fact that scholars shall die, and if the knowledge is not passed on to the next generation, it shall die in the community. There are 1.4 billion Muslims and the problem that always comes up is that there are not enough teachers and scholars. Everyone is a shepherd and everyone shall be responsible for his or her flock!
It is related that once ten learned men approached Imam Ali (A.S.), and wanted to know how knowledge was better than wealth. They requested that each one of them be given a separate answer. Imam Ali (A.S.) answered them as follows:
Knowledge is the legacy of the Prophets; wealth is the inheritance of the Pharaohs. As the Prophets are superior to the Pharaohs, so knowledge is better than wealth.
You have to guard your wealth, but knowledge guards you. Therefore, knowledge is better than wealth.
When knowledge is distributed it increases. When wealth is distributed it decreases. As such knowledge is better than wealth.
A man of wealth has many enemies, while a man of knowledge has many friends. Therefore knowledge is better than wealth.
A learned man because of his wider outlook is apt to be generous while a rich man because of his love for money is apt to be miserly. As such knowledge is better than wealth.
Knowledge cannot be stolen, while wealth is constantly exposed to the danger of being stolen. Accordingly knowledge is better than wealth.
With the lapse of time, knowledge gains in depth and dimensions. Hoarded coins get rusty, or cease to be legal tender. Therefore knowledge is better than wealth.
You can keep account of wealth because it is limited, but you cannot keep account of knowledge because it is boundless. That is why knowledge is better than wealth.
Knowledge illuminates the mind, while wealth is apt to blacken it. Therefore knowledge is better than wealth.
Knowledge is better than wealth, because knowledge induced the humanity in the Holy Prophet to say to God “We worship Thee as we are Thine servants”, while wealth engendered in Pharaoh and Nimrod the vanity which made them claim God